Monday, April 20, 2009


A cousin got engaged to his girlfriend after nine years of courtship. One must think that he was happy and all. However, he was a nervous wreck on the day! His legs had gone stiff and he couldn't sit cross-legged, he was having a tingling sensation in the limbs and so on....

Another cousin got married almost an year ago. He's about to be a proud father now but it was the same story on his engagement as well. The sis- in-law says that she had to hold his hand (I wonder how that could have helped him!) to help him get steady and tell him to proceed with the ring ceremony.

Are all / most men like that, not as brave as they want you to think they are? Was it the fear of commitment or something else? What made these two guys go bonkers?

I can understand a guy being besotted by a beautiful girl and making a fool of himself, but at your engagement after fooling around with her for nine years?

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